Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Cultural Sports 1/2

Ki o rahi 

What are the rules to Ki O Rahi?
Games are 5 minute quarters with an immediate change at quarter time and a 2 minute break at half time. The sport is non-contact but players wear a belt holding two velcro tags around their waist. Shirts must be tucked in at all times. No watches or other jewellery are allowed to be worn during play
Ti rakau
How to play Ti rakau?
  1. Create a rhythm by tapping the end of your tī rakau on the ground or tapping your tī rakau together.
  2. Face a partner and try tapping your tī rakau at the same time as your partner.
  3. Try throwing your tī rakau diagonally to your partner and getting them to do the same at the same time

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